Saturday, November 29, 2008

Learn to Appreciate Old School Music

What is real music? Is the music on the radio really real? Or is it all an audio illusion? What ever happened to music that inspires love and happiness? I admit there is still good music being made. I enjoy hip hop, r&b, Soul, and Funk. But how can you really appreciate music unless you know the roots of the genre? Hip Hop's roots are in the music that came before it. Funk, R&B, Soul, Jazz, and Blues are the important factors of the growth of the music that millions of people have now grown to love. Without these factors, today's Hip Hop and R&B would not exist. All of today's music is inspired by the forefathers/mothers of the genre. I think that people should take the time to do some research and learn about the old school artists who lead the way for today's music.


sinjan jana said...

you are absolutely correct... I do think that the old songs were better then new ones.. I listen to classic rock 70s 80s.... they are superb!!!


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Anonymous said...

+1 for your thoughts about old school music. It is one of our greatest treasures and it is in desperate need to be revitalized. Yes, popular music of today has done it's part but there is just nothing like an original. Oh, and good look on adding me to your blogroll. I already returned the favor.

wainwright said...

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wainwright said...

great blog ckout